Your Next Career Move, Simplified

Match, apply and track.It's piece of cake

Adulting is tough.Finding a new job shouldnt be.

Drag and drop your CV / resume to find matching jobs

Find, apply and track your job applications all in one place.

Drag & Drop Your Resume

Files Supported: PDF, TEXT, DOC, DOCX

Our Intelligent matching Algorithm will find the best jobs from more than 100 different job boards

An average job seeker spends atleast 4 hours a day to find the right jobs to apply

It takes an average of 3 months to land a job.

Image Description
How it works

We've build the job seeking experiance.

  • Upload your resume.Easy enough right?

  • Our AI will match you to opportunities you qualify for.No more wondering

  • Apply if you're interested

  • Done

Why Cakewalk?

Well, besides making it easy...